Minutes from the June 17, 2020 Meeting of the
Board of Commissioners of the East Orange Parking Authority
Chairman McKnight called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. He also read the Sunshine Act-Law, and roll call was taken. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held via teleconference. The following Commissioners participated:
Chairman McKnight
Vice-Chair Muhammad
Commissioner Owens
Commissioner Lasure (did not join)
Kevin McManimon, EOPA Attorney McManimon, http://premierallergy.com/diflucan-over-the-counter/ Scotland and Baumann
Brian Aloia, EOPA Attorney, Aloia Law Firm joined
Michael Belostock, EOPA Attorney, Aloia Law Firm joined
Public Portion:
No public portion
Commissioner Owens made a motion to approve the May 2020 minutes, Kevin McManimon asked that the law firm name be corrected to McManimon, Scotland, and Baumann. The motion was seconded by Vice-Chair Muhammad. Vice-Chair Muhammad, Commissioner Owens, and Chairman McKnight voted in favor.
General Session:
Chairman McKnight read the May 2020 Summary of Finances.
Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to pay the June 2020 bills and was seconded by Commissioner Owens. All commissioners in attendance voted in favor.
Kevin informed the Board that per a conversation with both Evergreen Equities and the African American Fund, Evergreen Equities is willing to work with the African American Fund in allowing them to utilize the lot when possible, however Evergreen Equities does not want that to be
stipulated in the Lot 2H Lease Agreement since they are contractually responsible for the lot. Kevin stated that he will put together a letter outlining what was discussed.
Kevin stated that he reached out to AJM regarding the bid award for the repair of Lot 1e 147 S. Harrison Street to start working on a contract.
Chairman McKnight informed the Board that we have no candidates for the Executive Director position at this time.
Chairman McKnight informed the Board that the website is almost complete, and that landscaping of lots is put on hold as a result of COVID-19.
Executive Session:
At 6:17 p.m. Commissioner Owens made a motion to go into Executive Session and was seconded by Vice-Chair Muhammad. All commissioners in attendance voted in favor.
Kevin excused himself from Executive Session and signed off at 6:17 p.m.
At 6:28 p.m. Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Commissioner Owens. All Commissioners in attendance voted in favor.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:28 p.m.