Minutes from the July 21, 2021, Meeting of the
Board of Commissioners of the East Orange Parking Authority

Chairman McKnight called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm. He also read the Sunshine Act-Law, and roll call was taken. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the meeting was held via Zoom teleconference. The following Commissioners participated:

Chairman McKnight
Vice-Chair Muhammad
Commissioner Jonas
Commissioner Lasure (did not join)

Kevin McManimon, Attorney-McManimon, Scotland and Baumann (joined)

Public Portion:

No one from the public participated.


Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to approve the June 2021 minutes and was seconded by Commissioner Jonas. All Commissioners in attendance voted in favor.

Executive Session:

At 6:25 pm Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to go into Executive Session and was seconded by Chairman McKnight. All commissioners in attendance voted in favor.

Kevin and Commissioners discussed selling lot 2D to Auto Zone.

Kevin discussed the Brick Church Project as it relates to eminent domain.

Kevin and the Board discussed hiring an Executive Director.

At 6:50 p.m. Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to end Executive Session and was seconded by Chairman McKnight. All commissioners in attendance voted in favor.

Executive Session ended at 6:50 p.m.

General Session:

Chairman McKnight read the June 2021 Summary of Finances.

Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to approve the July 2021 bills to be paid electronically due to COVID-19 and was seconded by Chairman McKnight. All Commissioners in attendance voted in favor.

Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to sell Lot 2D to the owners of Auto Zone and was seconded by Chairman McKnight. All Commissioners in attendance voted in favor.


At 6:54 p.m. Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Commissioner Jonas. All commissioners in attendance voted in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 6:54 p.m.