Minutes from November 17, 2021, Meeting of the
Board of Commissioners of the East Orange Parking Authority

Chairman McKnight called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm (started late due to technical difficulties with Zoom). He also read the Sunshine Act-Law, and roll call was taken. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held via Zoom teleconference. The following Commissioners participated:

Chairman McKnight
Vice-Chair Muhammad
Commissioner Jonas
Kevin McManimon, Attorney-McManimon, Scotland, and Baumann (joined)

Public Portion:

No one from the public participated.


Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to approve the September 2021 minutes and was seconded by Commissioner Jonas. All Commissioners in attendance voted in favor.

Executive Session:

General Session:

Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to ratify the payment of the canceled October 2021 meeting bills and pay the November 2021 bills and was seconded by Commissioner Jonas. All Commissioners in attendance voted in favor.

Chairman McKnight read the summary of finances for October 2021.

Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to allow 2hr free parking at the meters for the Holidays in the business district only from December 20, 2021, thru January 3, 2022, and was seconded by Commissioner Jonas. All commissioners in attendance voted in favor.

Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to approve employee holiday appreciation and was seconded by Chairman McKnight. All commissioners in attendance voted in favor.

Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to approve the 2022 Board Meeting Schedule Resolution and was seconded by Commissioner Jonas. All commissioners in attendance voted in favor.

Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to approve the 2022 Holiday Schedule Resolution and was seconded by Commissioner Jonas. All commissioners in attendance voted in favor.

Chairman informed the Board that he found out via the City of East Orange Facebook page that they were starting redevelopment on Main Street in 3 days. We were not notified by the city, and that 43 of our meters were removed. Tasha reached out to the city engineer for additional information.

Kevin informed the Board that the owner of Auto Zone decided to expand somewhere else, and not purchase Lot 2D.

Kevin and the Board discussed paying the invoice received from Bright View Engineering for hiring an Executive Director. The Board wants them to provide a detailed itemization of the charges so that it may be reviewed prior to the approval of payment.


At 7:40 p.m. Vice-Chair Muhammad made a motion to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Commissioner Jonas. All commissioners in attendance voted in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.